Network maintenance

Nyheder og informationer fra Teamet
Indlæg: 11103
Tilmeldt: 09 dec 2006 12:50
Mit fyr: 10 KW Scotte Mini
Areal: 96/87 m2
Brændsel: German Pellets
Fremviser gerne i postnummer: 5474
Dagligt forbrug: 11 kilo
Årligt forbrug: Est. <6 ton
Geografisk sted: Veflinge, Fyn
Har takket: 123 gange
Blevet takket: 141 gange

Network maintenance

Indlæg af Ulrik »

Fra vores server host:
we would like to inform you that we will shortly be performing comprehensive maintenance on our network.

Please note the following times:

Wednesday 03/16/2011 between 0:30am and 6:00am CET (UTC/GMT +1 hour)

Thursday 03/17/2011 between 0:30am and 6:00am CET (UTC/GMT +1 hour)

Each maintenance will be carried out in two stages.

The first stage, until about 2am CET (UTC/GMT +1 hour), involves shutting down the affected infrastructure.
The redundancy in our infractructure will maintain normal service during this time.
The switchover itself will possibly result in a short loss of connection
and fluctuations in the latency during the time up to approximately 2am

The second stage involves the restarting of the shut-down components.
We are planning this for the time between 4:30am and 6am CET, it is also
likely that the service may be interrupted briefly and that ping times will fluctuate.

The reason for the work is a comprehensive firmware update to our
routers and a further expansion of our network resources to accommodate
our growing needs. This work must be carried out seperately for the
redundant systems which is why we need to carry out maintenance on two nights.

We have reduced the disruption to a minimum by preparing carefully and
with the support, also during the maintenance itself, of the manufacturer.

We thank you for your understanding and will be happy to answer any
further questions you may have.
Det handler kort sagt om noget netværks opgradering der kommer til at foregå om natten
onsdag 03/16/2011 og torsdag 04/16/2011 mellem 0:30 og 6:00

Da det foregår om natten er det de færreste af os der vil bemærke det.
Blot lidt info.
MvH Ulrik©
